Before I talk about me I just wanted to say…
Hello and welcome to my blog.
A bit about me.

Thank you for visiting this dream believers blog. The support from those who know me and those who I’ve yet to meet is amazing. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.
My name is Rachel and I am 29 years old.
I love animals and am so excited for when I can have pets of my own. Lots of my friends and family have pets so I get my furry cuddles from them.

My friends and family mean the world to me, as does their ongoing support. Too many to list individually but you all should know who you are.
I am a huge lover of multiple fandoms including Harry Potter, Disney/Pixar, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings and Marvel.
15 addresses in 10 years, so I’m now pretty good at house moves. Most of the addresses have been in Wales but I am currently looking at moving to London. Moving in with my partner into our first home and becoming home owners.
Due to the upcoming life style changes and Covid making most of us re-think what we would like to be doing, I have lots of big changes planned for the near future.
One of these big changes is to work remotely and to eventually have my own business. This blog will be a precursor to that and will in part cover my journey into self-employment. Hopefully the information will help others feel more confident to spread their own wings. Maybe you will delve into pursuing your dream life.
During the various lock downs we recently endured, I got very invested in self development books and podcasts. I realised how much I liked working remotely. After months of being locked inside I started to think seriously about how I wanted to move forward in life. Or at least form a plan for when some kind of normality resumed.
About me and my life aims.
Working remotely so I have the freedom to travel more without the worry of running out of money or annual leave while we’re away.
Self employment (or at least flexible work hours) so I can work around my family when I have dependents to look after.
Creativity being a part of my role. Having creative outlets during the pandemic has helped me so much and it would benefit me if my employment incorporated that. Plus it would mean I would enjoy my work that much more.
Having a house of my own that I can share with my partner and have space where I can comfortably work from home. After several house shares and having lots of my belongings in storage rooms it will be such a nice change to have a home to ourselves that we can make our own.
About this blog.
This blog will cover topics such as self-development, travel and mental health as well as following my journey into self-employment and home ownership.
If there are any topics within those that you would appreciate some extra knowledge on, please let me know as I can create a post about it (possibly after some research). Or if you are an expert in one of these areas and would like to write a guest post for this blog please contact me as well.
Now you know more about me, I’d love to know more about you. What topics are you most interested in exploring? What are your future goals?
Please like, comment on and share posts you find helpful or interesting and keep the conversation going. You can also look at my other channels if you’d like.