It is often difficult to know your limits (or at least stay within them). When starting a business or new project it is no different. Saying yes to everything, responding to everyone within a few minutes so you get more sales seems tempting. All this does is push you to exhaustion. You do not need to burn out for your business/project to be successful!
You want to please everyone, sort things instantly and still maintain an active social calendar. This is a very tricky path to follow whilst also meeting your own needs. A lot of people find the word ‘no’ a challenge. Please know that you do not have to say yes to everything for people to love you. You are never going to be able to please everyone, and that’s ok. Know your limits, and make sure you keep them in check.
The pressure of perfection
We are all put under a lot of pressure to be able to juggle everything in life without dropping something. However, we are not superhuman. We all need rest, time to recharge and to not be made to feel guilty for our choices or priorities. No one is able to do everything to the best of their ability, all of the time. Something will always have to take precedent. Prioritising tasks is paramount. Choosing the things to sacrifice is down to your decisions. Find your own balance, know your limits and don’t compare your successes to other people’s.
Make time for yourself. Set up routines. Create a timetable – one that you then actually stick to. Separate work time from personal time, time with family and friends and recharging time. Ask for help when you need it. Use the skills of those around you.
Every person needs time to recharge, time to themselves and time away. It’s also a good idea to make sure you schedule in time to meet up or check in with your support network. Whether it is a weekend away with your nearest and dearest, a coffee break, brunch date, spa day, a day trip with your family or a month-long holiday to another country.
As well as knowing your limits in regards to how much you can take on, establishing boundaries is also highly important. Making sure that those around you know your limits and respect them. It may be difficult for some of your friends and family. You may have to miss birthdays and other celebrations. There might be some else to prioritise within your business. You may not have the energy when the scheduled meet up arrives.
Those who understand the importance of self care, boundaries and your journey to self improvement are most likely to understand your needs and boundaries. Others may not be so understanding. Know your limits, know your worth. Be patient, be kind. Have faith in yourself and maintain your boundaries. Stay strong and stay focused on your goals. Most importantly remember your reason why and visualise it daily.
There will be lots of challenges along the way of any journey, but with a strong why and the determination to succeed you can do anything.
Keep believing x
- Rachel Parker
- Rachel Parker
- Rachel Parker
- Rachel Parker